Heather Meades


Amazing New Children's Book

“Joy is Achievable!”

In this quirky and colorful story Rose learns about an invisible switch in her brain. This switch helps her escape anger, learn how to calm; and most of all, it helps her experience joy. Discover how you, too, can grow joy using your own invisible switch to have superpowers like Rose!

“Growing up is fun and is hard work!” It’s a call to CELEBRATE! 

Meet Aria as she delightfully shares her experiences of growing up.

Follow along as she tries new things, expands her skills, and overcomes fears, all while her parents attune to her needs and help her navigate her emotions. They help her build joy as they celebrate her growth and guide her in the adventure of childhood!

Out Of The Mouth Of A Babe...

In this colorful and delightful story, baby Theo shares his experience of being the sparkle in his parents’ eyes as they tenderly care for his needs. He grows joy as he discovers that his family is happy to be with him.
  You and your children will learn to experience joy, quieting, and attuning as you see how Theo’s needs are met in an appropriate and timely manner.

About The Author

Heather Meades and her husband, Scotty, have spent the last 34 years serving globally with Youth With a Mission in India, Cyprus, and Thailand. Besides homeschooling and launching three amazing children, she has worked with the poor and marginalized and has facilitated restorative retreats for women. Currently, Heather coaches on joy capacity, teaches movement and shares relational skills when she’s not busy with her parents, children, and grandchildren.
After learning about joy and maturity through the Life Model and attending Thrive Training, Heather realized that the transformational skills she was learning had the potential to create a JOY legacy within her family.  She was inspired to write these enjoyable stories for her grandchildren and for the generations yet to be born.
Heather presently resides with her husband in a renovated RV in Louisiana spending her days spreading relational joy.

New Children's Video

You're the Twinkle in My Eye

You’re the Twinkle in My Eye was written by Heather.

The music and video was produced by Courtney Lee. Check out her channel 

Also on Spotify

Free Coloring Sheet

Back to Joy

Did you know that coloring has been known to relax your brain? It can encourage mindfulness and quietness.

To download the coloring sheet click on the image.


People who helped me along the way

  These amazing people have beautifully brought joy, brain science, the Bible and practical tools together in ways that transform lives and encourage vibrant communities. The resources below have had an impact on my journey.
    Living from the Heart Jesus gave you (2016 revised), by James Friesen, E. James Wilder, Anne Bierling, Rick Koepcke, and Maribeth Poole
   Journey Group ( level one 2021), by Amy Hamilton Brown
  The 4 Habits of Raising JOY-Filled Kids (2021), by Marcus Warner and Chris Coursey
Transforming Fellowship (2016), by Chris Coursey 
Let’s be friends